"he had no powers beyond those granted to the living over the dead. And like every other passenger on this journey, he was alive".
Hace 10 años
Porque leer es vivir. Éste es un diario de realidades paralelas.
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"he had no powers beyond those granted to the living over the dead. And like every other passenger on this journey, he was alive".
"The eternal loom spins the immaculate word"pasé la página y seguí con los ojos. Estaba tan cansada que no quería leer todo, pero solo probar un poquito
"When Allen Ginsberg lay dying, I was among those who sat vigil by his bedside. I wondered into his library and randomly chose a book, a volume of Blake in blood-red binding. Each poem was deeply annotated by Allen's hand, just as Blake had annotted Milton. [...] the angels, mute, admiring"Pasé el vuelo leyendo y marcando un libro sobre Allen Ginsberg en India, y su búsqueda de la santidad. La belleza de su pureza y de los libros marcados y de la poesía esperaba en mi casa para conectar otro libro más. La magia sigue.
To take on Blake is not to be alone.
Walk with him.
William Blake writes "all is holy"
That includes the book you are holding and the hand that holds it.
"In the tiny lavatory mirror, behind the heavy black frames of his spectacles, his eyes held a gaze of curiosity, magnified by the power of his lenses. There was his nimbus of thinning hair. There was the heavy woolen sweater over a lumberjack shirt. There was the familiar and worn expression of loneliness".Entonces luego de esas primeras palabras de amor, sentí confianza en Deborah Parker, supe que ella me llevaría en un viaje hermoso por la India.
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