After Murakami
I just want to say I love you.
Hace 10 años
Porque leer es vivir. Éste es un diario de realidades paralelas.
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So there we were, shaking the bell with one hand and having sex. Kept it from start to finish. Ding-a-ling! Ding-a-ling!
just about everything has been photographed, or so it seemsy de golpe tuve una necesidad de fotografiarlo todo, de llevar mi cámara conmigo y documentar todo a mi alrededor y retratar todo, lo bello y lo horrible, lo hermoso, lo doloroso, lo propio, lo ajeno, todo.
"Some things only become clear much later. [...] Begin at the beginning; at the mid-point begin again, and at the end return to the beginning. Never move far from the alpha of life. Replenish yourself in the aleph. Renew the core with the alf. In A we begin and to A we return. [...] He didn't know it at the time. But there, in the train station, of all places, he had experienced a bit of Eden. [...] Everything they saw was wrapped in the mystery of first encounters. [...] Something of our deeper selves lives in the magic of first encounters. We try later to recapture that first enchantment, but only rare experiences reawaken it.
-Maybe we'll awaken the magic of this walk in a future journey.
-I suppose that's what a classic is.
-A work that has the spring of eternal freshness within it. It manages to be new each time you encounter it.
-Yes - Mistletoe said - But some time needs to pass for the magic to be renewed. [...] So they strode into the depths of the pub like enchanters, altering reality by altering themselves. All at once they seemed like regulars who had been away for a long time. They went to the counter and ordered two pints of the local beer and looked around, as if they were curious about the new faces they saw leaning against the walls, standing in clusters, darkening the ceiling with smoke. [...]"
"So books should be lived to be read.
And life should be dreamt to be lived"
"The age of magic has begun. Unveil your eyes."
"Do you know what the luckiest thing is?"
"It is to be at home everywhere".
"Those who perish in the struggle to turn their dreams into reality are more admirable than those who live and die without giving a sign that they were ever alive. One of the greatest legacies we can leave future generations is the knowledge that we fought the beautiful fight."
"A film never gets made with mantras and meditation. Hard graft, the march of a thousand miles, and the willingness to sacrifice almost everything is what gets a film to the big screen."
*"He watched the twenty-two pieces of luggage being driven away. There are twenty-two letters in Jewish alphabet, twenty-two cards in the major arcana of Tarot, and twenty-two paths on the tree of life."
I AM 25
Especially old poetmen who retract
Who consult other old poetmen
Who speak their own youth in whispers,
Saying: -I did those then
But that was then
That was then-
O I would quite old men
Say to them: - I am your friend
What you once were, thru me
you'll be again-
Then at night in the confidence of their homes
Rip out their apology-tongues
and steal their poems
"It's the soul that makes the style the tender firecracker of his thought / The amity of letters from strange cities to old friends and the new radiance of morning on a foreign bed"
When the blue ballpoint pen he was using ran out of ink, he grabbed another from his desk, a red one, and continued for fifty-eight pages of dense handwritten verseEl manuscrito de Kaddish está escrito en azul y rojo
Escucha, Kamala: si arrojas una piedra al agua, se precipitará hasta el fondo por el camino más rápido. Lo mismo ocurre a Siddharta cuando se propone alcanzar una meta: Siddharta no hace nada, espera, medita, ayuna, pero atraviesa las cosas del mundo como la piedra, , el agua, sin hacer nada, sin moverse, dejándose atraer, dejándose caer. Su propia meta lo atrae, pues él no deja penetrar en su alma nada que pueda apartarlo del objetivo propuesto. Esto es lo que Siddharta aprendió con los Samanas. Es lo que los necios denominan magia.
Feliz de ella que podía creer sin ver, que formaba cuerpo con la duración, el continuo de la vida. Feliz de ella que estaba dentro de la pieza, que tenía derecho de ciudad en todo lo que tocaba y convivía, pez río abajo, hoja en el árbol, nube en el cielo, imagen en el poema[...] ♥ 100 años de Cortázar en el mundo
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour
"Pensé: qué acto poético destruir mis escritos. Pensé: mejor hubiera sido tragármelos, ahora estoy perdida. Pensé: la vanidad de la escritura, la vanidad de la destrucción. Pensé: porque escribí, resistí. Pensé: porque destruí lo escrito me van a descubrir, me van a pegar, me van a violar, me van a matar. Pensé: ambos hechos están relacionados, escribir y destruir, ocultarse y ser descubierta."
Me acuerdo el día que llegaste con los dos "Babel". Estabas con Mel, tenías flequillo, y parecías china.
"ella se desnuda en el paraíso / de su memoria / ella desconoce el feroz destino / de sus visiones / ella tiene miedo de no saber nombrar / lo que no existe" <3 A. P.Emiliano Martija me escribió, y me dijo: "la RE quiero". Le dije que yo también y le pregunté si leyó sus diarios. Hablamos de la hermosura de su tristeza y le dije: "cuanta soledad. Conoci la verdadera soledad cuando la conocí a Alejandra."
"La soledad no es estar parada en el muelle, a la madrugada, mirando el agua con avidez. La soledad es no poder decirla por no poder circundarla por no poder darle un rostro por no poder hacerla sinónimo de un paisaje. La soledad sería esta melodía rota de mis frases"
"Thus we are condemned to stagger rootless upon the earth in search for our fingerprint on the cosmos"dice ella en la introducción azul. Miércoles azul.
"he had no powers beyond those granted to the living over the dead. And like every other passenger on this journey, he was alive".
"The eternal loom spins the immaculate word"pasé la página y seguí con los ojos. Estaba tan cansada que no quería leer todo, pero solo probar un poquito
"When Allen Ginsberg lay dying, I was among those who sat vigil by his bedside. I wondered into his library and randomly chose a book, a volume of Blake in blood-red binding. Each poem was deeply annotated by Allen's hand, just as Blake had annotted Milton. [...] the angels, mute, admiring"Pasé el vuelo leyendo y marcando un libro sobre Allen Ginsberg en India, y su búsqueda de la santidad. La belleza de su pureza y de los libros marcados y de la poesía esperaba en mi casa para conectar otro libro más. La magia sigue.
To take on Blake is not to be alone.
Walk with him.
William Blake writes "all is holy"
That includes the book you are holding and the hand that holds it.
"In the tiny lavatory mirror, behind the heavy black frames of his spectacles, his eyes held a gaze of curiosity, magnified by the power of his lenses. There was his nimbus of thinning hair. There was the heavy woolen sweater over a lumberjack shirt. There was the familiar and worn expression of loneliness".Entonces luego de esas primeras palabras de amor, sentí confianza en Deborah Parker, supe que ella me llevaría en un viaje hermoso por la India.
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